It is now easier and faster access to information on RedeInnov
Conceived in order to design a user-friendly experience, the new website is presented with a layout that allows users to access information about RedeInnov. Thus, the content is automatically adjusted depending on the device you are using, and gives you the option to share content on major social networks: Facebook, Google+ and Email. Another feature to highlight is the possibility of changing language depending on the needs of the user (Portuguese, Spanish and English).
RedeInnov’s Website features a modern design and is divided into five pillars: RedeInnov, Members, Partners, News and Campaigns, providing all the information you need about RedeInnov’s dynamics.
According to Nuno Wheelhouse Reis, executive director of RedeInnov, the launch of the website will provide a continuous and updated exposure both institutional and promotional of RedeInnov.